Ok, so you need to know that the 1800's have seen many many inventions. It is almost as if the light bulb in peoples mind was turned on when the year 1800 began. The world is a different place, both for the positive and the negative. We owe all the credit for that to the inventions of the 1800's.
So, be it Henry Bell, or Braille, Humphry Davy or Cyrus McCormick. They all got their minds and hands working on amazing inventions of the 1800's that have become a part of our day to day lives. Alright alright, I know you are probably skipping through my rants and introductions. So, let's just get to brass tacks, that is, the inventions of the 1800's.American Inventions of the 1800's
Before I get to the inventions that took place all over the world in the 1800's, here are the inventions of the 1800's in America.
So, be it Henry Bell, or Braille, Humphry Davy or Cyrus McCormick. They all got their minds and hands working on amazing inventions of the 1800's that have become a part of our day to day lives. Alright alright, I know you are probably skipping through my rants and introductions. So, let's just get to brass tacks, that is, the inventions of the 1800's.American Inventions of the 1800's
Before I get to the inventions that took place all over the world in the 1800's, here are the inventions of the 1800's in America.
- The "Box" telephone in 1876, by Alexander Graham Bell: Pioneering long distance oral communication.
- Electrical Light in 1879, by Thomas Edison: Thanks to his desire to "let there be light", we can work at night!
- The Morse Telegraph Key in 1844, by Samuel Morse and Alfred Vail: Pioneering speedy communication through the written word.
- Vacuum evaporation system in 1843, by Norbert Rillieux: Helping sugar cane plantation owners for sugar manufacturing.
- Sewing Machine in 1853, by Isaac Merritt Singer: Helped in having a stitch in time, to save nine!
These were a the inventions of the 1800's in America. I have to admit, they are very crucial inventions. But, let's move forward and look at the global picture. Here is the list of inventions (all over the world) in the 1800's.Inventions of the 1800's - Worldwide
These are the inventions that took place in the 1800's all over the world. I solemnly apologize to have missed out on any.
These are the inventions that took place in the 1800's all over the world. I solemnly apologize to have missed out on any.
- The voltaic cell (Volta's pile) in 1800, by Alessandro Volta
- The first steam-powered pumping station in 1801
- Discovery of ultraviolet (UV) radiation in 1801, by Johann Wilhelm Ritter
- Jacquard loom in 1801, by Jacquard
- Dry cell battery in 1802, by Johann Wilhelm Ritter
- Modern electroplating in 1805, by Luigi Brugnatelli
- Electric carbon arc light in 1808, by Humphry Davy
- Gas-powered street lighting first appears in London in 1809
- Safety lamp for miners in 1815, by Humphry Davy
- Power loom in 1816, by Francis Lowell
- Stethoscope in 1816, by Rene Laennec
- Savannah - the first steamship across the Atlantic, in 1818
- Nicol Prism (type of polarizer) in 1820, by Nicol
- Thermocouple in 1821, by Seebeck
- Portland cement in 1824, by Joseph Aspin
- Metallic aluminium in 1825, by Hans Orsted
- Photography in 1827, by Niepce
- Achromatic microscope lens in 1827, by Amici
- Braille technique in 1829, by Louis Braille
- Electromagnetic motor in 1830, by Joseph Henry
- Safety fuse for explosives in 1831, by William Bickford
- Water Turbine in 1832, by Fourneyron
- 60/40 brass in 1832
- Analytical Engine in 1833 by Charles Babbage
- Electrical motor in 1837
- Telegraph in 1837
- Morse Code in 1838, by Samuel Morse
- Fuel cell in 1839, by William Grove
- Computer in 1840, by Charles Babbage
- Computer programs in 1840, by Lady Augusta Ada Byron Lovelace
- Use of wood for paper manufacturing in 1843
- Faraday effect on plane polarized light in 1845
- Cylinder printing press in 1846
- Stereoscope in 1849, by Brewster
- Bunsen burner in 1850, by Robert Bunsen
- Occulting telegraph in 1852, by Charles Babbage
- Petrol lamp in 1853
- Glider in 1853, by Sir George Cayley
- Halladay windmill in 1854
- Mercury Seismometer in 1855, by Luigi Palmieri
- Blast furnace for steel production in 1857, by William Kelly
- Synthetic Dye Factory in 1857, by William Perkin
- Photoheliograph device in 1858, by Warren de la Rue
- Cathode ray tube in 1859, by Plucker
- Internal combustion engine in 1860, by Lenoir
- Color photograph in 1861, by James Maxwell
- Motor running on solar power in 1861, by Auguste Mouchout
- TNT, trinitrotoluene in 1863 by Joseph Wilbrand
- Pasteurization process in 1863 by Louis Pasteur
- Blasting cap for detonating nitroglycerin in 1865, by Nobel
- Leclanche cell in 1866, by Leclanche
- Dynamite in 1867, by Alfred Nobel
- Fluorescent lamp in 1867 by Becquerel
- Wireline sounding machine in 1872, by William Thomson
- Four-stroke internal combustion engine in 1876, by Otto
- Phonograph in 1877 by Thomas Edison
- Remington Number 2 Typewriter in 1878
- Vaccine for Cholera in 1879
- Horizontal pendulum seismograph in 1880, by John Milne
- Interferometer in 1881
- Vaccine for anthrax in 1881
- Vaccine for Rabies in 1882
- Piezoelectricity in 1883, by Pierre Curie
- Turbine in 1884, by Charles Parsons
- Photographic film in 1885, by Eastman
- Pneumatic tyre in 1888, by John Dunlop
- Mass produced camera in 1888 by Kodak
- Vaccine for Tetanus in 1890
- Vaccine for diphtheria in 1890
- Rayon in 1891
- Prototype radio in 1892 by Nical Tesla
- Dewar flask in 1892, James Dewar
- Electric Hand drill in 1895, by Fein
- Hearing aid in 1895 by Miller Reese Hutchison
- The inverted pendulum seismograph in 1899 by Emil Wiechert
- Paper clip in 1899 by Johan Vaaler
- Three-lens multispectral camera in 1900, by Ives
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